There's a saying in German (and I guess other languages have an equivalent) which goes like this:
"The beginning of everything is tough."
Trying to write a first blog post is tough and trying to get the Lisbon Treaty through appears to be even harder.
Yesterday, on Friday 13th, we learned that the Irish rejected the Lisbon Treaty, the day before that the German team lost the EM-pre-round-soccer match against Croatia.
Those two events don't necessarily have to be related to each other, however, they do have something in common: the outcome sucked and left whole nations puzzled.
The impact of both events upon the future of Europe will be covered in this blog at several, non-equidistant points in the future.
Enjoy reading!
Europe sounds increasingly French
12 hours ago
nice blog! You chose I really nice design. Maybe you should increase the numbers of blogs in your Blogroll a bit. Essentially indispensable are A Fistfull of Euros and Nosemonkeys EUtopia.
Thanks rz,
concerning blogroll: I do what I can, but I need do get an overview first...
Nosemonkey has a nice compilation of what's going on. He's also describing your blog:
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