This post has been cross posted at Re: Europa.Oh my, what are those
evil parliamentarians doing to the Irish NO voters and Daniel Hannan!
Not only did Hannan et al. first have to explain to the world why the Lisbon Treaty is evil (what exactly was it again? I guess I missed the points somehow), now they have to find out that some people obviously still don't understand that
No means No and that
Daniel Hannan together with 53% of the Irish voters layed down the law and that
there cannot be possibly a "but" to it.

Did you hear that they are in fact
talking about continuing the ratification process? They can't be serious, can they? I mean, there has been a clear no by the Irish and this,
of course, condemns the rest of Europe to do nothing.
Did you hear this danish guy saying "we respect the Irish, as we respect every other member states' decisions. Let's continue the process." Boy, if I was Irish or Daniel Hannan, I would consider such a statement a
serious attack and a sign of disrespect and ...stuff, you know... to my vote. It is really not necessary to use a care-bear stare at the first sign of trouble! What the hell are they thinking? I mean, even if they do not agree with Daniel Hannan (a contradiction in terms, btw) and 800000 Irish voters, couldn't they formulate their opinion somewhat more
diplomatic? Couldn't they make some useful suggestions about how to proceed -like Hannan does all the time? No, obviously they can't. I guess those "funny" parliamentarians just don't have the brains to get that. Instead of that they sit around in their parliaments and go like "but, but, but...".
As if this would lead anywhere! Isn't there a way to find a, say, more
constructive solution? One that allows us to move on?
Dear, dear. Daniel Hannan should really go over next thing in the morning and have a word with them and explain to them
again, that they
can't possibly do anything anymore and that they indeed can go home now. Can you imagine that he has to deal with such idiots every day? Tss.
Seriously, Mr. Hannan, are You in fact criticizing that the MEPs
care about the Irish referendum? What part of "you get what you asked for" don't You understand?
Behold: The above post may contain residuals of irony, sarcasm, parody and fragments of the auhtor's emotional state and may cause allergic reactions. No personal offense meant.